November 2 - 6, 2023
Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Experts focused on growing profits and sales with authenticity and storytelling
Do you love to help entrepreneurs grow businesses and generate sales by being authentic and personal?
If you imagine a better greater vision for all fellow colleagues to do better.
Do you want to see people thrive in their businesses?
Then you’re a perfect fit for the summit.
I'm looking for high-quality, actionable knowledge from experts just like you for the attendees.
Sneak Peek of Tell & Profit Summit
Day 1: Foundation & Mindset
Day 2: Profit Plan
Day 3: Message, Market, and Audience
Day 4: Marketing + Sales
Day 5: Systems and Automations
The deadline to apply is ... October 15
Important Dates & Requirements
Speakers featured on the Tell & Profit Summit 2023 are required to...
Important Deadlines:
Some of the Speakers who have joined already
Frequently Asked Questions
about the Summit
Please read this quick FAQ before you apply and make sure this event is for you
Is there a minimum list requirement to be a speaker?
There is no list requirement to be on the summit.
Having said that, I do want you to have an active email and social presence that you will share to.
Are the speakers required to promote?
Events like these depend on the speakers who are willing to share and get the word out. I will be doing everything on our side to share and put this event in as many people as possible.
I do ask that speakers who participate as a speaker help with the promotion.
Promotion can be a mixture of lives on social, posts on social, podcast appearances (having me on as a guest) and sending emails to your entire email list with a solo email
What do I get out of this?
Online events/summits can be huge for speakers. They can give you access to audiences you've never been in front of before, help you grow your list with your freebie that you'll be asked to share as well as help get additional exposure with your peers.
How will this event be accessed by people?
Every buyer will be automatically notified by email on how they can access the recording after they confirm their purchase, under the SuccessGrid Academy
Is there an affiliate program?
Yes! There will be an affiliate program for the All-Access Pass. Affiliate commission will be 50% of direct sales from the event and I'm looking at some other affiliate opportunities for the summit.
Are there any sponsorship opportunities?
YES! There are 3 tiers of sponsorship available, with options to fit your budget.
Sponsors get additional exposure, their logos proudly displayed as well as newsletter mentions, podcast pre-roll ads, and more!
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